Cap Love

Baseball cap and team logos (for caps and jerseys) are one of my favorite things. It might be because I play ball but in truth, I've never been satisfied with the caps I've seen from various companies.



Whether it's a blog site to punch out the foes that life throws out at us or a website for illustrating how much better your garden is to everyone else in the neighborhood, I will get you there.


Real News

More than mere words on a page, a newsletter needs to deliver, when it comes to readability, eye-catching and content that will keep the eye from heading back to the iPhone.


Video editing

For Websites, Social Media, Displays and more...

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me regarding any project that strikes your fancy. I'm happy to work with a lot of information or even a little (and help fill in the blanks). Press the contact link or from the menu above and drop me a line.